One of the biggest mega trends impacting the USA today is population aging. Today, 15% of the population in Wisconsin is over the age of 65, with the expectation of living an average of 19 more years. The right housing situation is critical for Hudson’s senior population. They want and need affordable options that provide comfort and safety, as well as a variety of services that help them remain independent for as long as possible.
This FREE class is for both senior adults and their adult children as they consider housing options that provide both independent living along with a vibrant social community, as well as accommodations for future care needs.
Fear often holds seniors back from making a move, but a recent study stated that once they moved, 76% were satisfied with their new living arrangement. This class will help remove the fear of selling and moving from a cherished home to the next home.
We will discuss:
- senior housing options in Hudson, WI or Woodbury, MN & the services they provide
- the process of downsizing & moving for seniors
- preparing a home for today’s real estate market
- getting the most money in the sale of your current home
- professional support services for moving seniors and their families in the Hudson & Woodbury communities
Becky Durham, a RE/MAX Results Realtor in Hudson & Woodbury, is a Seniors Real Estate Specialist with expert knowledge and experience working with seniors in their housing transitions. With her experience as a counselor and educator, she offers a compassionate and patient approach. Along with her husband John, Becky offers this FREE class to seniors and their adult children. You will receive information to help you understand the options available to you in the Hudson & Woodbury areas. Contact Becky for more information at 651-231-2192. To register, visit www.DurhamExecutiveGroup.com/classes
Cost – FREE!
When – Choose from these dates/times:
- Tuesday, February 13th, Noon-1:30 pm
- Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30 – 7:45 p.m.
Where – Hudson RE/MAX Results 375 Stageline Rd., Ste 200, Hudson WI 54016
This real estate class is offered FREE! When you take our classes, there is no obligation to use our real estate services (although we would be delighted to represent you in your real estate transaction.) This class is available only to consumers who are not under contract with another real estate agent.
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