Hudson Elementary School Boundary Changes
The Hudson School District serves over 5,500 students in pre-K through 12th grade.
The Hudson School Board ultimately voted Monday, Jan. 14 to accept the recommendation from the Boundary Committee. This means that 65 students in “Area 1” who currently attend River Crest Elementary will be moving to Hudson Prairie Elementary next year. “Area 1” was moved from River Crest Elementary to the Hudson Prairie Elementary attendance area, and goes from the eastern edge of the recommended River Crest boundary to County Road U. To the north it borders Interstate 94, and to the south it borders the district’s limit.

The Hudson Prairie Elementary attendance area was enlarged.
- Hudson Prairie currently has 346 students.
- Next year it is expected to have 505 students with the 65 students moving from River Crest Elementary next year.
- Hudson Prairie Elementary is expected to remain under its maximum capacity of 588; its ideal capacity is 529 through the 2022-23 school year.
With these changes to the Hudson, WI elementary school boundaries, River Crest Elementary will go from its current 491 students to a projected 418 next year. River Crest is projected to remain below its maximum capacity of 588 and its ideal capacity of 529 through the 2022-23 school year.
Redrawing the boundaries for River Crest Elementary was especially important because most of Hudson’s projected growth is expected to be in the southern part of Hudson, near River Crest, not in the northern part of the district, near Houlton Elementary and North Hudson Elementary. This growth includes the construction of more higher density homes, with more multiple unit dwellings. Growth in the northern part of Hudson School District is likely to be lower-density. The first priority the school board set for the boundary committee was to set boundaries that will last as long as possible.
Additional changes to the Hudson, WI Elementary School Boundaries
The E.P. Rock Elementary attendance area was reduced from 571 students this school year, to 459 next school year. E.P. Rock is at 97.1 percent of its maximum capacity this school year. The adjustment is projected to keep attendance numbers under its ideal capacity of 529 students through the 2022-23 school year.
No changes were made to the current Houlton Elementary or North Hudson Elementary attendance areas. Houlton is at 234 students this school year. It’s expected to go over its ideal capacity of 265 in the 2022-23 school year, by two students. It’s important to note that Houlton Elementary is projected to be over its ideal, not maximum capacity by only one or two students by the 2021-22 school year. North Hudson Elementary currently has 288 students. It’s projected to have 300 students for the 2019-20 school year, and is projected to stay below North Hudson’s maximum capacity of 441 students, and ideal capacity of 397 students through 2022-23.
Slight changes were made to the Willow River Elementary boundary, bringing some E.P. Rock students into this attendance area. Willow River this school year has 282 students. It is projected to have 293 students in the 2019-20 school year and to remain under its maximum capacity of 489 students, and ideal capacity of 440 students through the 2022-23 school year.
Presented by John and Becky Durham, Durham Executive Group
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