Troy Burne Golf Village, WI 1st quarter 2020 housing market vs. 1st quarter 2019
Whether you are considering selling a home or buying one in Troy Burne Golf Village it is important to have a basic understanding of the current housing market. Information related to the current month’s supply inventory of homes in Troy Burne and the local housing market (Troy, Hudson, and St. Croix County) will determine whether it is a sellers’ market or a buyers’ market. The basic supply and demand rule dictates whether the housing market is stagnant or if there is home value appreciation, or home value depreciation. The price you offer on a home purchase can be dictated by the current market conditions in order to secure the home.
As Realtors, John and Becky Durham have 36-years of combined experience with a business model that differs from other Realtors. They see the value of taking the time to research and extrapolate the Troy Burne Golf Village housing market statistics from researching Northstar MLS. As previous teachers/trainers the exercise allows them to fully understand what is transpiring in the housing market. At the same time, this knowledge also allows for an opportunity to educate their clients, as well as the general public. Providing clients/consumers factual and timely information assists them make well thought out decisions whether this is the best time to sell their home, or to buy a home. Performing this research provides John and Becky an advantage over other Realtors as we can better advise our clients during the course of a transaction.
The graph below shows the average sales price change and the median sales price change in Troy Burne Golf Village during 1st Quarter 2020 vs. 1st Quarter 2019.
In 1st Qtr 2020, you will see a depreciation in the Average Sale Price, as well as the Median Sale Price in Troy Burne vs. 1st Qtr 2019. In short, it is important to note we do not have enough transactional data to show any worthwhile trend. With interest rates being historically low the relatively flat sales price and median sale price should encourage buyers as it is a very favorable time to purchase a home and to lock in interest rates. With such favorable home interest rates a home buyer likely will save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage if not literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The following graph shows the change in new listings as well as the change in closed sales for 1st Quarter 2020 in Troy Burne Golf Village, WI vs. 1st Quarter 2019.
It is currently a sellers housing market in Troy Township, Hudson, and the St. Croix County area based on the available listing supply. Troy Burne Golf Village listings and closed sales are only slightly up in 1st Qtr 2020 vs. 1st Qtr 2019. While relatively flat this graph below (along with related blogs on Hudson, and St. Croix County housing market data) would ideally provide home buyers and sellers information on which direction the Troy Burne Golf Village and the surrounding area housing market inventory supply is heading. Will it be a balanced housing market, sellers’ market, or a buyers’ market? In the graph below you see only a slight number more new listings and closed sales taking place in Troy Burne Golf Village in 1st Qtr 2020 compared to 1st Qtr 2019. Information of this nature often times can be invaluable to prospective home sellers and buyers should they be sitting on the fence about whether to enter the housing market.

The following graph shows the change in original list price ratio to sales price and also the change in the number of days a property is on the market in Troy Burne Golf Village, WI in 1st Quarter 2020 vs. 1st Quarter 2019.
The original list price to sales price ratio is an important housing statistic, but it also can be the most misinterpreted housing statistic by the general public. Good marketing certainly makes a significant difference in the list price to sale price ratio, but even more important is a realistic list price. Factors to also consider include the showing condition and location. Seller’s initial list price decision is vital and frequently will not only impact a home’s cumulative days on market, but it will also impact the original list price to sale price ratio. Hiring excellent and experienced Realtors and following their suggested list price ‘based on factual and current comparable homes on the market‘ and integrating this information with the current housing market data should be factored in when determining an initial list price.

Troy Burne Golf Village, WI Home Sellers:
If you are considering listing your Troy Burne Golf Village, WI home for sale, you need skilled and experienced Realtors who know how to price your home correctly. Having a home on the housing market too long because of selecting the wrong list price will only affect your bottom-line once you finally sell. Pricing the home less than it is worth only benefits the buyer and not the seller leaving money on the table. Asking too much means your house will likely linger way too long on the market while other homes sell. When most sellers over-price their home they usually do not consider the home would likely never appraise, even if an offer is accepted. Upper bracket homes always spend more time on the market and require an agent with more skill, experience, and advanced technology. John is a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist and Becky is an accredited home stager, offering their luxury home expertise in these areas to all their clients regardless of list price at no extra fee. We do more than our competitors and appreciate the opportunity to discuss what we do so we can prove it!
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Troy Burne Golf Village, WI Home Buyers:
If you are a home buyer in Troy Burne Golf Village you need a buyer’s Realtor who is available to show you homes the day they hit the market, and who will help you submit a well written and thought out offer that gets accepted. John and Becky are a husband/wife real estate team that excels in writing written offers and in negotiations providing you two Realtors for the price of one. Meaning one of us is usually accessible to show homes on short notice. Click HERE to search the MLS for homes and sign up for instant email alerts when a home that meets your desired criteria hits the market. When you see a home you like, let John and Becky know and they will quickly schedule a showing for you!
Why should you choose John and Becky Durham as your Troy Burne Golf Village Realtors?
They live, work, and play in Troy Burne and know the development better than any other Realtor. They are involved with the Home Owners Association keeping abreast of what the HOA is doing. With familiarity of the development combined with their real estate expertise they have successfully closed three out of the four possible transactions (listing and selling sides) so far during 1st Qtr 2020. When you work with John and Becky Durham, you get two experienced Troy Burne Golf Village real estate agents working for you. John and Becky have 36 combined years of real estate experience and want to put that experience to work for you.
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Phone: (651) 231-2191
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